Ambulances for the frontline and hospitals

In May, 2024, thanks to the cooperation of "Sunagro Ukraine" LLC with the association "Aide Médicale & Caritative France-Ukraine" and the "All-Ukrainian Council of Resuscitation and Emergency Medical Care", nine more ambulances arrived in Ukraine from France for the needs of medical workers and rescuers.

One ambulance was sent to the Kharkiv Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine, three vehicles – to a military unit for the evacuation of wounded from the combat zone in eastern Ukraine, three more vehicles were handed over to the the Emergency and Rescue Squad of Special Purpose of the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region to support demining operations, and two vehicles will enhance the evacuation capabilities of the Poltava Military Hospital.

We are grateful to our benefactors who have helped us and continue to do so. We thank those who personally come, deliver these vehicles, and in doing so, show their faith in our victory.